EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose




Vrtnica ‘Adél’

Država nastanka: Slovaška

Vrtnico ‘Adél’ je leta 2013 ustvaril František Glváč. Mož se z vrtnicami ukvarja ljubiteljsko in je tudi predsednik Slovaškega društva ljubiteljev vrtnic. Pred upokojitvijo je delal v energetiki. Na obrobju Bratislave ima hišico ob jezercu v opuščeni gramoznici, in ob hišici vrt, poln vrtnic.

V ‘Adélovi’ družbi rasteta še ‘Nočná panna’ in ‘Slovenka z Dabas Šari’, ki ju je tudi žlahtnil Glváč. Glváčev ‘Astronaut Čerňan’ je posajen v spodnjem rozariju.

Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.



The ‘Adél’ Rose was created in 2013 by František Glváč. He is an amateur rosarian, and is also the president of the Slovakian Rose Society. Prior to his retirement, he used to work in an energy company. He has a small cottage next to lake filling a former sandpit on the outskirts of Bratislava; next to the house there is a garden filled with roses.

‘Adél’ is accompanied by ‘Nočná panna’ and ‘Slovenka z Dabas Šari’, which were also cultivated by Glváč. Glváč’s ‘Astronaut Čerňan’ is planted in the Lower Rose Garden.

The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.