EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Baronne de Vivario’
Država nastanka: Luksemburg
Luksemburg je imel v preteklosti več evropsko pomembnih žlahtniteljev vrtnic. Za primer vzemimo Jean-a Soupert-ja (1834–1910), ki je s prijateljem Pierre-om Notting-om (1825–1895) leta 1855 ustanovili vrtnarsko podjetje “Soupert & Notting”, specializirano za žlahtnjenje vrtnic. V drugi polovici 19. stoletja so s svojimi sortami zmagovali na tekmovanjih v Franciji, Belgiji, Nemčiji, na Nizozemskem, v Britaniji in ZDA.
Po smrti Jean-a Soupert-ja so posel prevzeli njegovi trije sinovi. Eden izmed njih, Jean-Constant Soupert, je leta 1925 vzgojil vrtnico, pred katero stojite.
Gre za takrat sodoben tip nizke mnogocvetne vrtnice, vrtnice poliante. Poliante imajo manjše cvetove od floribund, ki so kasneje prevladale. Zlasti belo cvetoče poliante, kot je ‘Baronne de Vivario’, so zaradi gostih socvetnih šopov po svoje ljubkejše od floribund, ki v beli barvi niso nikoli imele mnogo kakovostnih predstavnic.
Vrtnica ‘Baronne de Vivario’ ponavlja cvetenje v valovih, ki si sledijo z nekajtedenskimi premori.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Baronne de Vivario’ Rose
Country of origin: Luxembourg
In the past, Luxembourg had several rosarians important on the European scale. For example, Jean Soupert (1834–1910), who, with his friend Pierre Noting (1825–1895), established the Soupert & Notting nursery, which specialised in breeding roses. In the second half of the 19th century, their roses won competitions in France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA.
After Jean Soupert’s death, the business was taken over by his three sons. One of them, Jean-Constant Soupert, cultivated the rose in front of you in 1925.
It was, at that time, a modern variety of a short multiflora or polyantha. Polyantha have smaller blossoms than the floribunda, which became prevalent later. This is particularly true for white polyantha, such as ‘Baronne de Vivario’, but because of their thick panicles they could be considered lovelier than the floribunda. The floribundas have never produced a high-quality representative with white blossoms. The ‘Baronne de Vivario’ flowers in waves, which follow each other with a few-weeks pause in-between.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.