EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Malteška roža
Država ustaljene uporabe: Malta
Vrtnice ‘Cécile Brunner’ se drži ime malteška roža. Je tipična sredozemska vrtnica, vajena ekstremnega podnebja in zato primerna za ta južnosredozemski otok. Na Malti je namreč julija in avgust povprečna popoldanska temperatura 30 °C.
Cvetovi malteške rože so majhni, a izredno ljubki, in se vedno pojavljajo v velikih skupinah. Dišijo blago, po jabolkih. Velja za zelo odporno proti glivičnimi boleznim.
Vrtnico danes uvrščamo med poliante. Osnova oblika doseže 120 cm višine. V rozariju papeških vrtnic pa imamo spremenjenko, ki se vzpne mnogo metrov v višino. V imenu to spremenjenost označimo z dodatkom Cl. (za angl. climbing), torej ”Cécile Brunner Cl.’
Malteška vrtnica izvira iz Francije. Leta 1880 jo je ustvarila Maria Ducher, vdova po dobro znanem žlahtnitelju Claude-u Ducher-ju.
Kot kakovostna zgodovinska vrtnica je bila prva uvrščena v izbor slavnih starih sort (Old Rose Hall of Fame), ki ga Svetovna zveze društev ljubiteljev vrtnic vodi od leta 1997 in nanj vsako tretje leto doda po eno sorto.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The Maltese Rose
Country of traditional use: Malta
The ‘Cécile Brunner’ Rose is also known as the Maltese Rose. It is a typical Mediterranean rose used to extreme weather and thus suitable for this South Mediterranean island. In Malta, the average afternoon temperatures reach 30 °C in July and August.
The blossoms of the Maltese Rose are small, but expressive and lovely, and always appear in great clusters. They have a mild fragrance of apples. The variety is considered highly resistant to fungal disease.
Today, it is classified as polyantha. Its basic shape grows up to 120 cm high. There is a mutant in the Papal Roses rose garden, which climbed several metres. Its name indicates this with the addition of Cl. (climbing), i.e. ‘Cécile Brunner Cl.’
The Maltese Rose originated in France. It was created in 1880 by Maria Ducher, widow of the famous rosarian Claude Ducher.
As a high-quality historic rose, it was the first variety to be made part of the Old Rose Hall of Fame, which has been led by the World Federation of Rose Societies since 1997; a new variety is added to the Hall every three years.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.