EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Cibles’
Država nastanka: Madžarska (Avstro-Ogrska)
Največje ime med žlahtnitelji vrtnic si je v Avsto-Ogrski ustvaril Rudolf Geschwind. Madžari ga jemljejo za svojega žlahtnitelja, ker je večji del življenja preživel na sedanjem Slovaškem, torej v ogrski polovici monarhije. Res pa je, da je bil Rudolf Geschwind po rodu in prepričanju Nemec, ki se iz načelnih razlogov ni želel niti naučiti madžarsko. Ni pa imel zadržkov, da bi se naučil slovaško. Njegova dva sinova so pregnetle madžarske šole, tako da sta se madžarizirala, njuni družini pa sta celo zamenjali nemški priimek z madžarskim.
So pa imeli Ogri tudi v Avstro-Ogrski svoje žlahtnitelje. Za primer madžarske vrtničarske tradicije služi sorta ‘Cibles’. Ustvaril jo je dr. Ernö Kaufmann iz Szabolcsa, iz vasi na severovzhodu današnje Madžarske v Sabolčansko-satmarsko-bereški županiji. Leto nastanka vrtnice je 1893.
‘Cibles’ je živahen rožni grm, ki je v Arboretumu Volčji Potok zrasel dva metra visoko. Neobčutljiv je na mraz in proti boleznim. Cvetovi so preprosti, a sijoče barve in izjemno lepi, ko jih presveti sonce.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Cibles’ Rose
Country of origin: Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Empire)
Rudolf Geschwind was the most prominent of all the rosarians in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Hungarians see him as their own cultivator, because he lived in present-day Slovakia, which at that time belonged to the Hungarian part of the monarchy. It is true, however, that Rudolf Geschwind was German by origin and considered himself as such; he even refused to learn Hungarian out of principle. He had no reservations about learning Slovakian, though. His two sons were shaped by Hungarian schools, so they eventually hungarified, and their two families changed their family name to a Hungarian surname.
In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Hungarians had their own tradition of rose cultivation. The ‘Cibles’ variety is an epitome of Hungarian tradition of rose cultivation. It originator was Dr Ernö Kaufmann from Szabolcs, a village in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in today’s North-Eastern Hungary. The rose was created in 1893.
‘Cibles’ is a lively rose bush, which grew 2 metres high in Arboretum Volčji Potok. It is not sensitive to cold or diseases. Its blossoms are simple, but of a resplendent colour and extremely beautiful in the sunshine.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.