EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose




Vrtnica ‘Donau’

Država nastanka: Avstrija (Avstro-Ogrska)

Avstro-Ogrska je imela več žlahtniteljev, izmed katerih se je bil najbolj proslavil Rudolf Geschwind (1829-1910). Z inovativnim pristopom je ustvaril sorte, ki so bile primerne za gojenje v celinskem podnebju vzhodno in severno od Alp. Takrat prevladujoče francoske vrtnice so v teh pokrajinah redno pozebale. V Arboretumu Volčji Potok imamo nekaj manj kot  50 Geschwindovih sort, ki so prikazane v spodnjem rozariju.

V začetku 20. stoletja je več vrtnic ustvaril Franz Praskač, ki je imel drevesnico pri Tullnu, nedaleč od Dunaja. To se bile popenjave vrtnice z velikimi lati malih cvetov. Poganjki so bili skoraj brez trnov. Po mnogocvetnem šipku (Rosa multiflora) se temu tipu vrtnice pravi skrižana multiflora. V Arboretumu Volčji Potok imamo pet Praskačevih multiflor.

Skrižana multiflora takšna je tudi sorta ‘Donau’ s pomenom Donava, ki je nastala leta 1913. V času cvetenja je cela skrita pod cvetjem, cveti pa enkrat v letu.

Zaradi modrikastih cvetnih listov je kar klicala, da bi bila poimenovana po »modri Donavi«, reki, ki je tudi simbolno povezovala veliko cesarstvo.

Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.



The ‘Donau’ Rose

Country of origin: Austria (Austro-Hungarian Empire)

There were many rose breeders in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with Rudolf Geschwind (1829-1910) the most famous of them. He applied his innovative approach to producing varieties suitable for growing in the continental climate east and north of the Alps. The then prevalent French varieties were regularly subject to frost in these regions. Arboretum Volčji Potok has almost 50 Geschwind varieties, which are on display in the Lower Rose Garden.

At the beginning of the 20th century, several rose varieties were created by Franz Praskač, owner of a nursery near Tulln, not far from Vienna. These were climbing roses, with big panicles covered in small blossoms. The shoots were practically thornless. This type of rose is called the hybrid multiflora, after the Rosa multiflora or the many-flowered rose. Arboretum Volčji Potok has five examples of Praskač’s multiflora.

The ‘Donau’ variety, whose name refers to the Danube river, was created in 1913 and is also a multiflora cross. During flowering, it is entirely covered with blossoms; it only flowers once a year.

Its bluish blossoms are reminiscent of the ‘blue Danube’, a river which symbolically unified the Empire.

The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.