EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose

'Félicité Parmentier'



Vrtnica ‘Félicité Parmentier’

Država porekla: Belgija

Belgijec Louis-Joseph-Ghislain Parmentier, ki je deloval v prvi polovici 19. stoletja, je bil eden najplodovitejših žlahtniteljev v zgodovini. Med njegovimi stvaritvami, ki sodijo med zgodovinske vrtnice, je ena najbolj znanih ‘Félicité Parmentier’. Gre za predstavnico belih rož (Rosa ×alba), ki cvetijo enkrat v letu, pri nas junija, v belih in nežno rožnatih tonih. Njihov vonj je zelo prijeten, čist in jasen. Po rasti so bele rože rožni grmi, ki dosežejo do dva metra višine in prav toliko širine.

‘Félicité Parmentier’ je zares očarljiva bela roža. Njen cvet sije, kot bi bil iz porcelana. Je zelo bogato polnjen. Robne, zunanje vrste cvetnih listkov, ki se najprej odmaknejo od sredice, na soncu hitro obledijo do bele, medtem ko sredica cveta ostane nežno rožnata. Tako nastane značilna nežna dvobarvnost. Cvetnega nastavka je zelo veliko in med prvim in zadnjim cvetom navadno minejo trije tedni.

Leta 2021 smo v Arboretumu Volčji Potok v sodelovanju z Društvom ljubiteljev vrtnic Slovenije spet izvedli Sovenski dan vrtnic. Obiskovalci so imeli možnost glasovati za najlepšo zgodovinsko vrtnico. Zmagovalka je bila ‘Félicité Parmentier’.

Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.



The ‘Félicité Parmentier’ Rose

Country of origin: Belgium

The Belgian Louis-Joseph-Ghislain Parmentier, who was active in the first half of the 19th century, was one of the most prolific rosarians in history. One of his best known historic creations is the ‘Félicité Parmentier’. It is a representative of the white roses (Rosa × alba), which only flower once a year – in Slovenia this is in June – in white and pale pink hues. They have a distinctly pleasant, crisp and clear scent. In terms of growth, white roses belong to rose bushes, which can grow two metres tall and equally wide.

‘Félicité Parmentier’ is one of the most charming white roses. Its blossom has the sheen of finest porcelain. The blossom is very full. The outer petals, which are the first to move away from the centre, will fade quickly in the sun and turn white, whereas the centre of the flower retains a pale pink hue. This gives it its characteristic gentle, two-toned appearance. It produces numerous flower buds, and the first and the last flower generally appear within a span of three weeks.

In 2021, Arboretum Volčji Potok and the Slovenian Rose Society organised yet another Slovenian Rose Day. Visitors were asked to vote for the most beautiful historic rose. The vote was won by ‘Félicité Parmentier’.

The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.