EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’
Država nastanka: Danska
Vrtnica ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’ je lep primer, da se kakovostne vrtnice na postarajo. Leta 1914 jo je med sejančki našel danski drevesničar Knud Julianus Hastrup, ki je imel drevesnico v predmestju Koebenhavna. Semena so bila iz šipkastega sadeža z vrtnice rugoze (Rosa rugosa). Katera vrtnica je prispevala cvetni prah, ni znano.
‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’ je za polovico nižja od drugih vrtnic rugoz in ob tem kompaktne, zbite rasti. Ker odlično prenaša poletno sušo in vročino, je zelo uporabna kot prekrovna rastlina na najtežavnejših mestih v urbanem okolju. Denimo ob parkiriščih, vzdolž betonskih robnikov ob tlakovanih površinah in podobno. Ker so stebla trnasta, uspešno odvrača ljudi, kar je včasih v prometnih ureditvah zelo dobrodošlo.
Cvetovi so enostavni, nevsiljivo bledo rožnati in se pojavljajo vedno znova do jeseni. Cvetovom sledijo veliki šipki, ki so rastlini v okras in kuharju oziroma kuharici za živilo. Okrasno vrednost ima tudi jesenska barva listov, ki je čisto rumena. Z listnimi boleznimi nima težav.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’ Rose
Country of origin: Denmark
The ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’ is a prime example of how high-quality roses never grow old. In 1914, its seedling was found by the Danish arborist Knud Julianus Hastrup, who owned a tree nursery in the suburbs of Copenhagen. The seed came from Rosa rugosa rosehips. It is not known which rose contributed the pollen.
‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’ is half lower than other Rugosa roses, and of a very compact and dense growth. Because it does extremely well in the summer drought and heat, it is very useful as a groundcover plant in some of the most demanding spots in urban environments. For example, next to car parks, alongside concrete edging, next to paved surfaces, etc. Because its stems are thorny, it efficiently deters people, which is quite welcome in traffic arrangements.
Its unobtrusively pale pink blossoms are simple, and flower continuously until summer. The blossoms are then succeeded by large rosehips, which can be either decorative or used as food. The pure yellow autumnal colour of its leaves is also highly decorative. It does not suffer from diseases affecting leaves.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.