EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Istropolitana’
Država nastanka: Slovaška
Je visoka mnogocvetna vrtnica, ko jo je leta 1965 ustvaril Slovak František Chorvát. Chrovát je bil vrtnar v botaničnem vrtu Univerze v Bratislavi in glavni pobudnik za nastanek rožnika v osrednjem delu botaničnega vrta.
Vrt so pred petnajstimi leti v celoti obnovili in vanj posadili 2.000 vrtnic 150 različnih sort.
‘Istropolitana’ je privlačna vrtnica. Matična rastlina je zrasla iz semena s šipka, ki je dozorel na vrtnici ‘The Queen Elizabeth Rose’. ‘The Queen Elizabeth Rose’ je tudi na Slovenskem dobro znana vrtnica in je bila že v času nastanka sorte ‘Istropolitana’ pri nas splošno razširjena.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Istropolitana’ Rose
Country of origin: Slovakia
It is a tall cluster flowering rose, which was created in 1965 by a Slovak, František Chorvát. Chorvát was a gardener in the Botanical Garden at the University of Bratislava and the driving force behind the establishment of a rose garden in the central part of the Botanical Garden.
Fifteen years ago, the garden was completely renovated and planted with 2,000 roses of 150 varieties.
The ‘Istropolitana’ is an attractive rose. The original plant grew out a seed harvested from the rosehip of the ‘The Queen Elizabeth Rose’. ‘The Queen Elizabeth Rose’ is a variety well known in Slovenia and had already been well established in our parts by the time ‘Istropolitana’ was created.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.