EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Litovska damaščanka
Država tradicionalne uporabe: Litva
Baltske države imajo za vrtnice neugodno klimo. Ne le podnebno, tudi politično. Zadnjih sto dvajset let neprestanih sprememb držav, surovih režimov in menjavanja interesnih sfer bilo je vse prej kot spodbudno okolje za razvoj in razcvet vrtne umetnosti.
Litva ta čas nima uveljavljenih žlahtniteljev vrtnic. Ima po strokovnjake, ki so natančno pregledali deželo in njene vrtove ter popisali vrtnice, ki se pojavljajo na njih. Ena izmed starih vrtnic, ki je že stoletja doma na litovskih vrtovih, je posebna oblika damaščanke. V rožni drevesnici Sibirkos Rožynas so jo razmnožili in jo prodajajo kot ”Lietuviška damaskinė rastinukė”, kot litovsko damaščanko. Njena posebnost je, da preživi zimski mraz pod -20 °C, česar običajne damaščanke ne zmorejo.
Cvetovi so nežne rožnate barve in prelepega vonja. Kot je za damaščanko pričakovati, cveti samo enkrat na leto, v začetku poletja.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The “Lithuanian Damask” Rose
Country of traditional use: Lithuania
The climate of the Baltic States is quite inhospitable to roses. Political climate included. The past 120 years of continuous upheaval, brutal regimes and internecine interest groups have provided a less than fertile ground for the development and flourishing of horticultural art.
At the moment, there are no prominent rose breeders in Lithuania. It does have experts, however, who carefully combed the country and its gardens, and catalogued all the roses in them. One of the old roses, at home in Lithuanian gardens for several centuries, is a special type of Damask rose. They propagated it in the rose nursery Sibirkos Rožynas, and sell it as the “Lietuviška damaskinė rastinukė”, the Lithuanian Damask Rose. It is notable for its ability to survive winter temperatures of below -20 °C, which the ordinary Damask roses cannot do.
The blossoms are a pale pink with a beautiful scent. As expected with a Damask Rose, it only flowers once, at the beginning of summer.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.