EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose




Vrtnica ‘Petrina’

Država nastanka: Romunija

Romunija v rožnem svetu ni nepomembna država, saj je bila med osmimi ustanoviteljicami Svetovne zveze društev ljubiteljev vrtnic.

Ključna oseba za vrtnice je bil v Romuniji več desetletij Stefan Wagner. Doma je bil iz Kluža (Cluj-a). Poklicno je bil vodja botaničnega vrta v Bukarešti, sicer pa dolgoletni predsednik Romunskega društva ljubiteljev vrtnic.

Wagner je umrl leta 2017 in za sabo pustil 40 sort vrtnic, med katerimi so mnoge priljubljene po parkih v Romuniji. Spominsko zasaditev Wagnerjevih vrtnic so po žlahtniteljevi smrti posadili tudi v bukareštanskem botaničnem vrtu.

Štefan Wagner je leta 2016 Arboretumu Volčji Potok poklonil sadike treh sort, ki jih je sam imel za svoje najbolj uspešne. ‘Petrina’ je med njimi najcvetivejša.

Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.



The ‘Petrina’ Rose

Country of origin: Romania

In the world of roses, Romania is not an unimportant country, since it was one of the eight founders of the World Federation of Rose Societies.

For several decades, one of the key people in this field was Stefan Wagner. Originally he was from Cluj. In his professional capacity, he was head of the Bucharest Botanical Garden, and a long-term president of the Romanian Rose Society.

Wagner died in 2017 and left behind 40 varieties of roses, several of which are very popular in parks across Romania. Following his death, they planted Wagner’s roses as part of a memorial planting in the Bucharest Botanical Garden.

In 2016, Stefan Wagner gifted Arboretum Volčji Potok plants from three of his own varieties, which he considered most successful. Amongst them, ‘Petrina’ produces the most flowers.

The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.