EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Pia’
Država nastanka: Finska
Vrtnice ne ljubijo Skandinavije, toda Skandinavci ljubijo vrtnice. To velja tudi za Fince. Sorta ‘Pia’ je zanimiva, ker je ustvarjena leta 2009 z genetiko starih vrtnic. V osnovi gre za galsko vrtnico. Skrižane galske rože spadajo med zgodovinske vrtnice, ki so bile v Evropi razširjene do konca 18. stoletja. Za hladne kraje so zanimive, ker so zelo trpežne in robustne.
Stvariteljica vrtnice ‘Pia’ je Pirjo Rautio (1942-2018). Bila je profesorica tujih jezikov na srednji šoli na robu Helsinkov, ljubiteljica vrtnic, ustanoviteljica rožnega vrta in publicistka. Križala je različne stare vrtnice, ki so trpežne proti mrazu, in izbirala všečne nove rastline.
‘Pia’ po videzu cvetov ne spominja na zgodovinske, močno polnjene cvetove galk. Ima enostavne, lahkotne, dekliške cvetove. Svetloba, ki se ulovi v cvetne listke, jih presvetlí in takrat zasijejo. Obnašajo se čisto drugače kot cvetovi tolstih starih tet galk, ki jih svetloba ne more predreti.
Vendar je ‘Pia’ vrtnica galka v eni, nemodni lastnosti: ne pocvita. V severnem poletju, ki ga je za vzorec, to še gre, v naših krajih pa je le malo razumevanja za vrtnice, ki cvetijo le enkrat v letu.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Pia’ Rose
Country of origin: Finland
Scandinavians love roses, but unfortunately the feeling is not mutual. The Finnish also love their roses. The ‘Pia’ is interesting, because it was created in 2009 based on the genetics of old roses. It is essentially a Gallica rose. Hybrid gallicas are a historic group of roses, which was quite widespread in Europe until the end of the 18th century. They are of interest to growers in cooler places, because they are very hardy and robust.
The mother of the ‘Pia’ Rose is Pirjo Rautio (1942-2018). She was a professor of foreign languages at a high-school on the outskirts of Helsinki, a rose lover, creator of a rose garden, and a publicist. She crossed various old varieties resistant to cold and selected the most pleasing new plants.
‘Pia’ does not look like a historic Gallica with a full blossom. Its blossom is maiden-like, simple, and light. If the petals catch light, the light streams through, giving the blossom a special shine. They are quite different from the blossoms of stodgy old aunt gallicas, which can never be penetrated by light.
However, ‘Pia’ remains a gallica in one important respect: it is a once-flowering rose. Whereas this may be acceptable in the austere Northern summers, there is little understanding for once-flowering roses in our parts.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.