EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose

Rosa glauca 'Nova'



Vrtnica Rosa glauca ‘Nova’

Država nastanka: Švedska

Skandinavsko podnebje postavlja ljubitelje vrtnic pred resne preizkušnje. Na dolgi rok preživijo samo vrtnice, ki so resnično neobčutljive na mraz in ki znajo izkoristiti kratko poletje za rast in cvetenje. V podobnih razmerah živi pretežni del Kanade in mnoge za kanadski mraz vzgojene vrtnice se dobro obnesejo tudi v Skandinaviji. V petdesetih letih so na Švedskem sistematično preizkušali nove kanadske sorte, vzgojene za ekstremne razmere.

Najverjetnejša očetovska rastlina sorte Rosa glauca ‘Nova’ je ena od kanadskih vrtnic, materinska rastlina pa evropski rdečelistni šipek Rosa glauca. Rastlina se je pojavila kot slučajni sejanec na Vrtnarski raziskovalni postaji v Örebynu na Švedskem.

Po barvi listov in cvetov je podobna divjemu rdečelistnemu šipku, toda cvetovi so bogatejši. Imajo več kot pet venčnih listkov in bolj na gosto so nastavljeni. Nekoliko dišijo. Sorta se razcveti samo enkrat v poletju. Raste kot rožni grm, ki se v nekaj letih potegne dva metra v višino in zraste prav toliko v širino. Ko cveti, je ta na pol divja vrtnica prav vilinsko lepa. Toda teh nežnih, liričnih čarov ne dojame vsak človek. Za mnoge je to tudi v cvetju  dolgočasen in bledičen šipek. Toda ljudje smo različni in tudi podnebja so različna. Na severu Švedske je to cenjena vrtnica.

Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.



The Rosa glauca ‘Nova’ Rose

Country of origin: Sweden

The Scandinavian climate poses a serious obstacle to rose lovers. In the long term, only those roses survive, which are truly insensitive to cold and capable of using the short summers for growth and flowering. This is the climate of the majority of Canada, which is why Canadian-grown roses also do well in Scandinavia. In the 1950s, Sweden, in fact, systematically trialled new Canadian varieties, which were bred to withstand extreme conditions.

The father plant of the Rosa glauca ‘Nova’ variety is most likely one of the Canadian roses, whereas its mother plant is the European red-leaved rose or the Rosa glauca. The plant originated as an accidental seedling at the Horticulture Research Station in Öjrebynu in Sweden.

The colour of its leaves and petals bears a resemblance to wild red-leaved rose, but its blossoms are richer. They are thicker, and have more than 5 petals. They are somewhat fragrant. The variety only flowers once per year. It grows as a shrub, which may grow 2 meters tall and wide over a span of a few years. Once it flowers, it is almost fairy-like. However, these gentle, lyrical undertones may not be to everyone’s taste. To many, it is merely a pale rose with rather boring blossoms. But people are as different as the climate. In the Swedish North, this is a highly esteemed rose.

The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.