EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Polnocvetni bodičasti šipek
Država tradicionalne uporabe: Estonija
V Estoniji ni uveljavljenih žlahtniteljev vrtnic. Državo zato predstavljamo s staro vrtnico, ki se pojavlja po starih vrtovih severnih dežel. Angleži ji pravijo škotska roža (Scotch Rose), saj je zadovoljna celo s prepišnimi planotami Škotske, kjer sta dva meseca poletja podobna našemu aprilu in septembru.
Bodičasti šipek (Rosa spinosissima), ki se samoniklo pojavlja v severni Evropi, ima pet belih venčnih listkov v cvetu. Posebnost te divje vrtnice je, da so njeni zreli sadeži, šipki, črne barve. Vrsta samoniklo uspeva tudi po slovenskih hribih, a je redka.
V severni Evropi so se v naravi pojavile rastline, ki imajo v cvetu ne le pet, temveč od 10 do 15 venčnih lističev. Ljudje so jih presadili na vrtove, ker so pač lepše od navadnih bodičastih šipkov. Takšne najdenke so dobile skupno ime ”Double White”.
V Arboretumu Volčji Potok polnocvetni bodičasti šipek cveti že maja. Cvetovi so prikupni, vonjavi, nežnega videza in narave: že po nekaj dneh jim venčne listke razpiha veter.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
Rosa spinosissima “Double White”
Country of prevalence: Estonia
There are no established rose breeders in Estonia. This is why the country is represented with an old rose, present in the old gardens of all Northern countries. The English call it the Scotch Rose, since it can even flourish in the wind-swept Scottish highlands, where the two months of summer most closely resemble our April and September.
Rosa spinosissima, which is native to Northern Europe, grows single white flowers consisting of five petals. It is characterised by distinctive black rosehips. The variety is also native to Slovenian hills, but is extremely rare.
In Northern Europe, plants appeared in the wild with 10 to 15 petals, instead of the usual five. People have planted them in their gardens because they are prettier than the regular Scotch rose. The foundlings were given a common name, “Double White”.
In Arboretum Volčji Potok, the double Scotch rose flowers in May. Its blossoms are pretty and of a gentle appearance and nature: their petals are blown away within a matter of days.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.