EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Sans-Souci’
Država nastanka: Italija
Italija ima ta čas nekaj žlahtniteljev, ki občasno posežejo po nagradah na mednarodnih tekmovanjih za vrtnične novosti. Najbolj znana vrtničarska hiša v Italiji pa je še vedno Rose Barni.
Družinsko vrtnarsko podjetje Barni je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1882. Od leta 1935 se Barnijevi ukvarjajo samo z vrtnicami. Tistega leta so državo zadele mednarodne sankcije, ki so prepovedale izvoz vrtnic iz Belgije in Francije v Italijo. Pietro Barni je izkoristil poslovni trenutek in postal največji pridelovalec sadik vrtnic in rezanih vrtnic v državi. Leta 1939 se je povezal s Francisom Meillandom in ustanovila sta “Universal Rose Selection”, mednarodno organizacijo za promocijo vrtnic po svetu.
Po koncu druge svetovne vojne se je podjetje razvijalo naprej. Danes ima sedež v Pistoji, središču italijanskega drevesničarstva. Podjetje in žlahtniteljski program zdaj vodi Beatrice Barni, četrti rod Barnijevega družinskega podjetja.
Vrtnica ‘Sans Souci’, ki jo je leta 1995 podpisala Anna Medici Barni, je Barnijeva mednarodno najbolj uspešna vrtnica. Cveti in diši celo poletje.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Sans-Souci’ Rose
Country of origin: Italy
There are quite a few breeders active in Italy at the moment, who are occasionally awarded prizes for innovation at international rose competitions. The most famous rose nursery in Italy is still the Rose Barni.
The family company Rose Barni was established in 1882. Since 1935, the Barnis have focused exclusively on roses. In that year, Italy was hit by international sanctions forbidding the export of roses from Belgium and France to Italy. Pietro Barni used this business opportunity to become the largest cultivator of rose plants and cut roses in the country. In 1939, he partnered with Francis Meilland, and they established the Universal Rose Selection, an international organisation for promoting roses across the world.
After the Second World War, the company continued to grow. Today, its headquarters are in Pistoia, the hub of Italian nursurypeople. The company and its programme of cultivation are now led by Beatrice Barni, the fourth generation of the Barni family company.
The ‘Sans Souci’ rose, which was created in 1995 by Anna Medici Barni, is a Barni rose with the greatest international success. It blossoms and maintains its fragrance throughout the summer.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.