EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose

'Skóciai Szent Margit emléke'



Vrtnica ‘Skóciai Szent Margit emléke’

Država nastanka: Madžarska

Gergely Márk je ustvarili veliko število vrtnic in večino poimenoval v nacionalnem duhu. Ta vrtnica je z imenom posvečena sveti Marjeti Škotski, ki se je rodila na Ogrskem leta 1045.

Na Ogrsko se je zatekel oče bodoče svetnice, Edvard Izgnanec, sin angleškega kralja Edmunda Železnobokega. Mladi kraljevi begunec je pri ogrskem kralju Štefanu našel nevesto iz kraljeve družine in rodila se je Marjeta. Kasneje se je dekle s starši vračala v Anglijo, da je pred Normani je družina spet bežala in tokrat jih je vihar zanesel na obalo Škotske. Tam se je Marjeta pri štiriindvajsetih poročila s škotskim kraljem.

Izročilo pravi, da je bila pravičnica in zgled pobožnosti in svetosti. O njej so govorili kot o škotskem biseru. Umrla je leta 1093 v Edinburgu.

Vrtnica se je Arboretumu Volčji Potok potegnila v popenjavko, zato smo jo posadili v zeleno steno Papeških vrtnic. Cvetje je privlačne jantarno rumene barve, blago vonjavo in se pojavlja celo rastno sezono.

Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.



The ‘Skóciai Szent Margit emléke’ Rose

Country of origin: Hungary

Gergely Márk created a great number of roses and named most of them in the spirit of patriotism. This rose is dedicated to St. Margaret of Scotland, who was born in the Kingdom of Hungary.

Hungary was the refuge of the father of the future saint, Edward the Exile, son of the English king Edmund Ironside. The young royal expatriate found his bride in the royal family of King Stephen, and Margaret was born. Later on, the girl returned to England with her family. While fleeing from Normans, a storm forced their ship onto the Scottish coast. There, at the age of 24, Margaret married the Scottish king.

Legend says that she was a righteous woman and a model of piety. She was often referred to as the ‘Scottish Pearl’. She died in Edinburgh in 1093, and was declared a saint in 1250.

In Arboretum Volčji Potok, this rose grew into a climbing rose, which is why it is now part of the green wall of the Papal Roses. Its blossoms are an attractive amber yellow colour, with a delicate fragrance; they flower throughout the whole growing season.

The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.