EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose

'Tarde Gris'



Vrtnica ‘Tarde Gris’

Država nastanka: Španija

Vrtnica ‘Tarde Gris’ je še eden izmed poskusov, ustvariti nedosegljivo modro vrtnico. Lilasto rožnati cvet lepša sredica iz zlatih prašnikov in močan vonj.

Sorta je v prodaji od leta 1966. Ustvaril jo je Simon Dot iz vrtnarskega podjetja Horticultura Dot v Barceloni. Družinsko podjetje še vedno obstaja in ga zdaj vodi tretja generacija Dotov. Razmnožujejo predvsem velikocvetne skrižane čajevke, ki so najbolj všeč vsem romanskim narodom.

Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.



The ‘Tarde Gris’ Rose

Country of origin: Spain

The ‘Tarde Gris’ rose is yet another attempt to create an ever elusive blue rose. The beauty of the lilac violet blossom is enhanced by a centre with golden pistons and by its strong fragrance.

The variety has been on the market since 1966. It was created by Simon Dot from the gardening company Horticulture Dot in Barcelona. The company still exists and is now run by the third generation of the family. They mainly grow hybrid tea roses, which are preferred by the Romance-speaking nations.

The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.