EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Tempi Moderni’
Država nastanka: Italija
Splošni italijanski okus za vrtnice je specifičen. Ljudem so všeč skrižane čajevke z velikimi, čim večjimi cvetovi in v močnih, čim močnejših barvah. Skrižane čajevke so v resnici najmanj primerne za Sredozemlje, saj se po majskem cvetenju celo poletje mučijo v vročini in suši, preidejo v cvetenjsko mirovanje in se spet zbudijo šele v začetku jeseni. Obstajajo drugačne vrtnice, ki tudi v vročini cvetijo, a je njihovo cvetje drugačno; in ker »ni lepo«, Italijani še vedno zelo nepragmatično dajejo prednost skrižanim čajevkam.
‘Tempi Moderni’ je sorta, ki jo je glavno italijansko žlahtniteljsko-vrtničarsko podjetje Barni dalo v promet leta 1996. Ker sorta ni skrižana čajevka, marveč floribunda, so morali, da bi bila opažena, rojake nagovoriti s posebnim efektom, in to z barvnim.
Barva sorte ‘Tempi Moderni’ je plamteča. Iz zlatih popkov se pokaže oranžno cinobrast cvet z vsemi barvnimi prehodi.
Grmički so do 80 cm visoki in gosto olistani.
Italijanske vrtnice so žlahtnjene za suha poletja, zato so v mokrotnem podnebju osrednje Slovenije v splošnem manj zdrave kot v Italiji. Verjetno je prav različnost poletij glavni razlog, da se, kljub sosedstvu, italijanske vrtnice v Sloveniji doslej niso uveljavile.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Tempi Moderni’
Country of origin: Italy
The Italian taste in roses is quite specific. They prefer hybrid tea roses with large blossoms, as large as possible, with strong, vibrant colours. In truth, hybrid tea roses are ill-suited for the Mediterranean. After flowering in May, they struggle in the summer heat and drought, then go into stasis, and only start flowering again in the autumn. There are other rose varieties, which flower in the heat, but their blossoms are different; because they are not considered pretty, Italians still, quite unpragmatically, opt for hybrid tea roses.
The ‘Tempi Moderni’ is a variety, which the main Italian rose cultivating company Barni introduced to the market in 1996. Because the ‘Tempi Moderni’ is a floribunda rather than a hybrid tea rose, they had to convince their compatriots with a special colour effect.
The ‘Tempi Moderni’ has a flame-like colour. The golden buds turn into cinnabar orange, with an abundance of colour transitions.
The bushes are up to 80 cm tall, with dense foliage. The Italian roses were cultivated for dry summers, which is why they are less healthy in the wet climate of central Slovenia than they are in Italy. This difference in nature of summers is probably the main reason that, despite their vicinity, Italian roses have not become widely grown in Slovenia.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.