EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘I Am Grateful’
Država nastanka: Danska
V dvajsetem stoletju je bilo za vrtničarstvo na Danskem najpomembnejše vrtnarsko podjetje Poulsen. Danes ga vodi četrta generacija lastnikov iz iste družine. Poulseni so v začetku 20. stoletja odigralo pionirsko vlogo pri uvedbi nizkih mnogocvetnih vrtnic na svetu. Leta 1911 so predstavili svojo prvo polianto in leto dni kasneje, leta 1912, prvo floribundo na svetu sploh. Floribudne so bile celo 20. stoletje najbolj priljubljena skupina mnogocvetnih vrtnic.
Težišče posla podjetja Poulsen so v tem stoletju postale lončne vrtnice, ki jih potrošniki kupijo namesto šopkov in jih po uporabi zavržejo. Še vedno ustvarjajo vrtne vrtnice, a v manjšem obsegu kot nekoč.
Trenutno je najbolj propulzivna danska žlahtniteljica Rosa Eskalund. Tudi pri njej in njenem možu so temelj posla cvetoče vrtnice v lončkih, a ob tem gospa Eskalund iz notranjega nagiba tudi žlahtni.
Njene vrtnice za vrtove so opažene in nagrajene na mednarodnih tekmovanjih. V letu 2021 je Rosa Eskalund osvojila »zlato rožo Baden-Badna«, ki je najbolj cenjena nagrada z ocenjevanj vrtnic na stari celini.
Sorta ‘I Am Grateful’ je na tržišču od leta 2014. Njeno cvetje je resnično prikupno in se zelo dobro obnese tudi v vazi.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘I Am Grateful’ Rose
Country of origin: Denmark
When it comes to roses, the 20th century in Denmark was marked by the gardening company Poulsen. It is owned today by the fourth generation of the same family. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Poulsens played a pivotal role in introducing low-growing floribunda roses to the world. In 1911, they presented their first polyantha, and a year later, in 1912, the first floribunda in the world. Today, floribunda is the most popular group of cluster-flowered roses.
In this century, the majority of the Poulsen business is represented by pot roses, which the clients can use instead of bouquets, and discard after use. They still create garden roses, but to a smaller extent than before.
One of the most innovative cultivators at the moment is the Danish cultivator Rosa Eskalund. She and her husband have also based their business on blooming pot roses, but Ms. Eskalung is also passionate about cultivating roses.
Her garden roses have been recognised and given awards at various international competitions. In 2021, Rosa Eskalung won the Golden Rose of Baden-Baden, the most highly esteemed European prize in the field of rose competitions.
The ‘I Am Grateful’ variety has been on the market since 2014. Its blossoms are truly lovely and also work very well in a vase.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.