EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Korona’
Država nastanka: Avstrija
Največji rožni vrt v Avstriji je v Badnu pri Dunaju. Avstrijski Baden je izza cesarskih časov mondeno letovišče z mnogo zelenja. V največji park v mestecu je umeščen velik in slikovit rožni vrt.
Ločena od oglednega rožnega vrta je študijska zbirka vrtnic, tako imenovani kultivarij. Tam je že vrsto let dejaven Erich Unmuth, ki je oče vrtnice ‘Korona’.
‘Korona’ je rožni grm, visok do metra in pol. Sorta je nastala okoli leta 2000. To pomeni, da ime te vrtnice ni povezano z aktualnim koronavirusom!
Cvetovi so tople rumene barve in nastopajo v skupinah in posamič. Sorta pocvita do jeseni.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Korona’ Rose
Country of origin: Austria
The biggest rose garden in Austria is in Baden bei Wien, close to Vienna. Baden has been a fashionable resort with an abundance of greenery since imperial times. A large and picturesque rose garden is situated at the heart of the largest park in the town.
A study collection of roses, a so-called cultivarium, is located separately from the rose garden open to the public. For several years now, it has been home to Erich Unmuth, father of the ‘Korona’ rose.
The ‘Korona’ rose bush can grow up to 1.5 m high. The variety was first grown around the year 2000. This means that the name of the rose is in no way connected to the current coronavirus!
The blossoms are a warm yellow colour and appear in clusters or individually. The variety finishes flowering by autumn.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.
Vrtnica ‘Korona’ je del razstave EU v vrtnicah. Arboretum Volčji Potok je razstavo EU v vrtnicah pripravil ob predsedovanju Slovenije Svetu EU. Z državnimi zastavicami smo označili po eno ali dve gredici, na katerih rastejo vrtnice iz 27 držav članic evropske povezave.