EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose

Vrtnica ‘Midsummersnow’
Država nastanka: Belgija
Belgija je država z dolgo tradicijo žlahtnjenje vrtnic. V svetovnem merilu je koncu 20. stoletja vtisnil pečat Louis Lens, ki je uveljavil skupino skrižanih muškatk, to je rožnih grmov z velikimi socvetji majhnih cvetkov. Pri Lensovih sortah prevladujejo nežne barve, ki so posebno všeč damam. Po Lensovi smrti je vrtnarijo prevzela Ann Velle Boulolf, ki nadaljuje tudi z žlahtniteljskim delom.
Med sodobnimi belgijskimi žlahtnitelji je najbolj opazen Martin Vissers, ki z vedno novimi očarljivimi in zdravimi vrtnicami pobira nagrade na mednarodnih vrtničarskih tekmovanjih. Je avtor vrtnice ‘Midsummersnow’. V Arboretumu Volčji Potok imamo 14 sort Vissersovih vrtnic.
‘Midsummersnow’ je odlična floribunda, torej vrtnica za enotne gredne zasaditve. Zelo hitro se vraste. V Arboretumu Volčji Potok je že v prvem letu prekrila gredico s cvetjem. Cvetje je snežno belo (ime pomeni »sneg na kresni dan«) in se pojavlja do jeseni.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Midsummersnow’ Rose
Country of origin: Belgium
Belgium has a long tradition of cultivating roses. At the end of the 20th century, Louis Lens made a lasting impact by establishing a group of rose bushes with big panicles made up of small blossoms. Lens varieties are characterised by gentle colours, which are particularly popular with women. After Lens’ death, his nursery was taken over by Anna Velle Boulolf, who is continuing his legacy of cultivating.
One of the most prominent contemporary Belgian rosarians is Martin Vissers, whose always new, charming and healthy roses regularly take first prize at international rose competitions. He is the author of the ‘Midsummersnow’ Rose. Arboretum Volčji Potok has 14 varieties of Vissers’ roses.
‘Midsummersnow’ is an excellent floribunda and thus appropriate for uniform flowerbed planting. It establishes very quickly. Within a year of being planted, it covered an entire flowerbed with its blossoms in Arboretum Volčji Potok. It produces snow white blossoms (hence the name), and flowers until autumn.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.