EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Yosemite Falls’
Država nastanka: Nizozemska
Sorta ‘Yosemite Falls’ je nizozemskega porekla. Na trg je prišla leta 2004, vzgojil pa jo je Ted Verschuren. Veschurni so vrtnarsko podjetje s tradicijo, ki jo vlečejo od ustanovitve leta 1875.
‘Yosemite Falls’ je vrtnica popenjavka s šopi majhnih cvetkov. Ker zraste štiri metre visoko in ima gibka stebla, smo jo v Arboretumu Volčji Potok uporabili za rožno girlando. Med vsemi sortami, posajenimi za girlando, ta zaradi žive rdeče barve najbolj izstopa.
Vrtnice za girlando smo posadili k stebrom, ki smo jih na vrhu povezali s pobešenimi loki neelastične vrvi. Šele peto leto so se vrtnice sklenile in postale takšne, kot smo si želeli.
Z njimi je precej vrtnarskega dela, ki pa ga imeniten videz poplača.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Yosemite Falls’ Rose
Country of origin: The Netherlands
The ‘Yosemite Falls’ variety is of a Dutch origin. It came onto market in 2004, and was created by Ted Verschuren. The Verschurens are a gardening company with a tradition going back to 1875, the year of its establishment.
The ‘Yosemite Falls’ is a climbing rose with clusters of small blossoms. Because it can grow up to 4 metres tall and has flexible stems, Arboretum Volčji Potok has used it to create a rose garland. Out of all the varieties created to be used in garlands, this one stands out the most due to its bright red colour.
The garland roses were planted next to poles, and connected at the top with a loose non-stretch rope. It took five years for the roses to connect and grow into the desired shape.
They are a lot of work, but their extraordinary look is well worth the effort.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.