EU v vrtnicah | The EU and Rose
Vrtnica ‘Zaiga’
Država nastanka: Latvija
Vzgoja novih sort vrtnic je v Latviji neločljivo povezana z imenom Dzidre Alfredovne Riekste. Rodila se je leta 1933 in se pri štiriindvajsetih zaposlila v Botaničnem vrtu Akademije znanosti Latvijske SSR v Salaspilsu, južno od Rige. Doktorirala je iz kmetijskih ved. Kasneje je postala voditeljica tega botaničnega vrta, ki se danes imenuje Državni latvijski botanični vrt.
Za cilj si je postavila, žlahtniti vrtnice, ki bodo odporne proti mrazu in dežju. Za izhodiščno rastlino selekcijskega programa je izbrala japonski šipek Rosa rugosa.
Sorta ‘Zaiga’ je nastala leta 1967. Odprti cvetovi imajo premer osmih centimetrov in se pojavljajo posamič in v skupinah. Sorta do jeseni redno pocvita. Oblikuje visoke rožne grme. Veje se lokasto ukrivijo navzven in imajo zelo malo trnov.
Vrtnica je del razstave EU v vrtnicah.
The ‘Zaiga’ Rose
Country of origin: Latvia
The cultivation of new rose varieties in Latvia is inextricably linked to the figure of Dzirda Alfredovna Rieksta. She was born in 1933; at the age of 24, she started working for the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Socialist Republic of Latvia, in Salaspils, south of Riga. She completed a doctorate in agricultural sciences, and later became head of the botanical garden, known today as the National Botanic Garden of Latvia.
Her goal was to breed roses resistant to cold and rain. She chose the Japanese rosehip, Rosa rugosa, as the original plant for her cultivating programme.
The ‘Zaiga’ variety was created in 1967. Its fully open blossoms measure eight centimetres and appear either individually or in clusters. The variety flowers regularly until autumn. It grows into tall bushes. The branches arch outwards and have very few thorns.
The rose variety is a part of the exhibition The EU and Rose.