Predstavitev eksotičnih rastlin | Exotic plants in Arboretum
Pelecyphora valdeziana (Turbinocarpus valdezianus)
Izredno lep kaktus saj mu telo pokrivajo bele dlačice in dajejo videz skoraj čisto belega kaktusa. Zraste do 4 cm v višino in do 2,5 cm v širino. Je počasi rastoča vrsta. Cvet ima 2 cm premera in je rdeče-vijolične barve, včasih je cvetni listič obrobljen z belo barvo. Cveti spomladi. Obstaja tudi varieteta, ki ima bel cvet (Pelecyphora valdeziana var. alba). Naravno rastišče je v Mehiki v zveznih državah San Luis Potosi in Coahuila. Pozimi lahko rastlina zdrži minimalno temperaturo 6°C vendar mora biti zemlja popolnoma suha. Odličen kaktus za vse, ki nimate veliko prostora.
An extraordinary cactus with white hairs over its body. It is very small plant and it reaches 4 cm in hight and 2,5 cm in diameter. It is very slow growing plant. It has beautiful purple-white flowers that grows in a group. A single flower can reach 2 cm in a diameter. There is a variety of the plant which has completely white flowers. The plant’s natural habitat is in Mexico in a state of San Luis Potosi and Coahuila. If the soil is completely dry the plant can tolerate temperature at 6°C in the winter. It’s an excellent cactus for all of you who don’t have enough space to grow large species.
Stalna razstava kaktusov v Arboretumu
Pripravil: Vasja Dornik, univ. dipl. inž. gozdarstva