1. SV (sezonska vstopnica) se glasi na koledarsko leto. Naprodaj je od 1. decembra prejšnjega leta in velja od dneva nakupa do 15. januarja naslednjega leta.
2. SV je poimenska, ni prenosljiva in ni zamenljiva. Uporablja jo lahko samo imetnik SV. Imetnik je oseba, na katero je SV izdana.
3. Imetnik SV mora ob prvem nakupu SV priložiti svojo verodostojno fotografijo ali pa omogočiti, da se ga za te namene fotografira. Arboretum Volčji Potok bo fotografijo hranil za čas veljavnosti SV za potrebe identifikacije ter za čas možnosti podaljšanja.
4. Imetnik SV je dolžan ob nakupu predložiti osebni dokument oz. potrdilo o začasnem bivališču, v kolikor želi uveljavljati subvencionirano ceno SV.
5. Arboretum Volčji Potok nudi imetnikom s stalnim ali začasnim bivališčem v občinah, ki pristopijo k subvencioniranju SV, ugodnejšo SV.
6. Podatki se hranijo v skladu z zakonom o varstvi osebnih podatkov do pisnega preklica imetnika. Vse informacije glede varovanja osebnih podatkov najdete na obvestilu o zbiranju in obdelavi osebnih podatkov (pri blagajni in na spletni strani AVP).
7. Na SV so osebni podatki imetnika vstopnice (ime, priimek, naslov, poštna številka, pošta in fotografija).
8. Podatki imetnika SV se uporabljajo za namen vodenja evidence (datum, ura) in kontrole vstopa v park.
9. Imetnik SV se mora ob vsakem vstopu v park identificirati z veljavno SV preko vstopnega terminala, pri blagajni ali pri vratarjih.
10. Zaposleni pri blagajni ima pravico do kontrole SV, preverjanja njene veljavnosti in pravilne uporabe.
11. Posojanje SV ali druge oblike zlorabe ali poskusov zlorabe SV se smatra kot kaznivo dejanje in se kaznuje z odvzemom in razveljavitvijo SV. Poleg tega je potrebno poravnati vstopnino po veljavnem ceniku. V primeru odvzema/blokade SV je za ponovno aktivacijo potrebno plačilo SV po veljavnem ceniku.
12. Ob prvem nakupu SV, imetniku zaračunamo strošek izdelave kartice po veljavnem ceniku.
13. V primeru, da imetnik pozabi SV, se zaračuna 1 € za izdajo začasne vstopnice s katero lahko vstopi v park.
14. V primeru izgube SV imetnik prevzame stroške izdelave dvojnika po veljavnem ceniku.
15. SV ne velja za posebne dogodke, ki so plačljivi (koncerti, filmski večeri, Večerni sprehod med lučkami, Čarobni dan in dogodke izven rednega odpiralnega časa.
16. Vezano na točko 15 si pridržujemo pravico do spremembe odpiralnega časa in terminov posebnih dogodkov zaradi nepredvidljivih vremenskih razmer ali višje sile.
17. Kupnine za SV v primeru višje sile ne vračamo.
18. Javni zavod Arboretum Volčji Potok si pridržuje pravico, da lahko kadarkoli zapre Arboretum, zaradi razmer, ki lahko na kakršenkoli način ogrožajo varnost obiskovalcev in poslovanje Arboretuma. Upravljalec lahko park nemudoma zapre, ko Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje razglasi rdeči alarm za območje, v katerem se nahaja Arboretum Volčji Potok. Obiskovalce pozivamo, da se ob pojavu močnega vetra zaradi lastne varnosti čim prej umaknejo iz parka in da v primeru neviht ne iščejo zavetja pod drevesi.
19. Vstop v park je mogoč eno uro pred zaprtjem parka, park pa je potrebno zapustiti do ure zaprtja, v nasprotnem primeru se imetniku zaračuna strošek intervencije poznega izhoda po veljavnem ceniku.
– januar, februar, november, december: 8.00-17.00 (v terminu Večernega sprehoda med lučkami je vstop v park s SV mogoč do 15.00, zapustiti ga je potrebno do 16.00)
– september: 8.00-19.00
– marec, oktober: 8.00-18.00
– april, maj, junij, julij, avgust: 8.00-20.00
20. V terminu Večernega sprehoda med lučkami je vstop v park s SV mogoč do 15.00, park pa je potrebno zapustiti do 16.00.
21. Imetnikom SV nudimo dokup storitve SV PLUS, ki omogoča obisk parka (vsak dan) v terminu Večernega sprehoda med lučkami po 15. uri (od druge polovice novembra do prve polovice januarja). Imetnik storitve SV PLUS ni upravičen do nakupa vstopnice za enkratni Večerni sprehod med lučkami.
22. Imetniki SV imajo ob predložitvi SV 10 % popust pri vsakem nakupu v Vrtnem centru Arboretum Volčji Potok in v Cvetličarni Arboretum.
23. Z nakupom SV imetnik soglaša z vsakokratnimi splošnimi pogoji poslovanja SV za vstop v Arboretum Volčji Potok.
24. Z nakupom SV imetnik soglaša z upoštevanjem arboretskega reda.
25. Splošni pogoji so objavljeni na spletni strani arboretum.si in pri blagajni.
Želimo vam obilo prijetnih sprehodov!
1. ST (Seasonal Ticket) is made out for a calendar year. It is on sale from 1 December of the previous year and is valid from the date of purchase until 15 January of the subsequent year.
2. The ST is registered, non-transferable and non-exchangeable. It may be used only by the ST holder. The holder is the person to whom the ST is issued.
3. The holder of the ST must submit their authentic photograph when first purchasing the ST, or allow to be photographed for these purposes. Arboretum Volčji Potok will keep the photograph for the period of validity of the ST for identification purposes and for potential renewal period.
4. The holder of the ST is obliged to present an ID or a temporary residence certificate at the time of purchase if they wish to claim the subsidised price of the ST.
5. Arboretum Volčji Potok offers a reduced-price ST to holders with permanent or temporary residence in the municipalities that subsidise the ST.
6. Data will be stored in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act until the holder submits a written cancellation. All information regarding the protection of personal data can be found in the notice on the collection and processing of personal data (at the cash desk and on the AVP website).
7. The ST contains personal data of the ST holder (first name, surname, address, postcode, town and photograph).
8. The ST holder’s data is used for record-keeping purposes (date, time) and for the purpose of controlling entry to the park.
9. The ST holder must identify themselves with a valid ST at the entry terminal, at the ticket office or with the gate staff each time they enter the park.
10. The employee at the ticket office shall have the right to check the ST, its validity and its correct use.
11. Lending ST or other forms of misuse or attempted misuse of ST shall be considered a criminal offence and shall be punishable by confiscation and cancellation of the ST. In addition, an entry fee according to the current price list must be paid. In case of suspension/blocking of the ST, reactivation requires payment of the ST according to the current price list.
12. When the ST is purchased for the first time, the holder will be charged the cost of making the card according to the current price list.
13. If the holder forgets the ST, a fee of € 1 will be charged for the issue of a temporary ticket with which the holder can enter the park.
14. If the ST is lost, the holder shall bear the cost of making a duplicate at the current price list.
15. The ST is not valid for special events for which a fee must be paid (concerts, movie nights, Evening walk among the lights, the ‘Čarobni dan’ event and events outside regular opening hours).
16. Subject to point 15, we reserve the right to change the opening times and dates of special events due to unforeseeable weather conditions or force majeure.
17. In the event of force majeure, the purchase price of the ST shall not be refunded.
18. Arboretum Volčji Potok reserves the right to close the Arboretum at any time due to conditions that may in any way endanger the safety of visitors and the operations of the Arboretum. The park may be closed immediately by the park operator when the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia declares a red alert for the area in which Arboretum Volčji Potok is located. Visitors are urged to leave the park as soon as possible for their own safety in the event of strong winds and not to seek shelter under trees in the event of storms.
19. Entry to the park is possible one hour before the park closes, but visitors must leave the park by closing time, or they will be charged a late exit intervention fee according to the current price list.
– January, February, November, December: 8.00-17.00 (during the Evening walk among the lights, entry to the park with the ST is possible until 15.00, and visitors must leave until 16.00).
– September: 8.00-19.00
– March, October: 8.00-18.00
– April, May, June, July, August: 8.00-20.00
20. During the Evening walk among the lights, entry to the park with the ST is possible until 15.00, and visitors must leave by 16.00.
21. ST holders can purchase the ST PLUS service, which allows them to visit the park (every day) during the Evening walk among the lights after 15:00 (from the second half of November to the first half of January). ST PLUS holders are not entitled to purchase a single ticket for the Evening walk among the lights.
22. Subject to presenting the ST, ST holders receive a 10% discount on any purchase at the Arboretum Volčji Potok Garden Centre and the Arboretum Flower Shop.
23. By purchasing a ST, the holder agrees to the General Terms and Conditions of the ST for the entry to Arboretum Volčji Potok applicable at a time.
24. By purchasing the ST, the holder agrees to abide by the Arboretum Rules.
25. The General Terms and Conditions are published on the website arboretum.si and at the ticket office.
May you have many pleasant walks!